Sunday, December 12, 2010


My world is turned upside down when a loved one departs. I get so used to that presence being woven into my existence that it is painfully hard to adjust to it's physical disappearance. My heart literally breaks. Palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain. I guess the human experience attaches itself strongly to physical presence. We seem to have lost touch with our intuitive sense of the energy fields that permeate and animate our physical form. The soul that is me definitely recognises the soul that is others and that we are all connected through the same massive energy field. So why is it so difficult for us let go and disentangle and allow others to move on? I think that it is harder on those left behind to muddle their way through life until it is their time to go.
This rollercoaster of life and death would be much easier to tolerate if there was less of a mysterious veil between worlds, whatever one belives those worlds to be. Wouldn't it be wonderful to connect with those that have passed over on a regular basis. A coffee date with angels. Maybe they do visit with us but we are too busy with life to notice. They certainly leave behind a strong energetic imprint when they leave, one that is so strongly felt that it is hard for our minds to believe that they are gone. It feels as if they will appear any moment. And then that energetic fingerprint fades but every now and then a memory pops into your mind and you feel them strongly, a light feathery stroke across your heart.
I must have an army of angels watching over me. Saying goodbye nevers gets easier though, even for those of us that are lucky to get that chance. Not sure which is easier: knowing that death is coming or not knowing?
I guess the key lies in holding sacred the memory of how our loved ones chose to witness our journey on this chaotic planet. And feeling fortunate to have had that connection especially with animals that do not communicate the way we wish they would.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Oh dear!

Seems I haven't had many rambling thoughts lately

Ones that require dumping

My blah blah blog is feeling sadly neglected

I shall buy it a butterfly net to chase those thoughts

And capture them

To display on a blank black canvas

Before insanity knocks on the door and says

"Hit the refresh button chick!

Things are kind of confused and crowded in here

Publish us

Send us floating off into cyberspace

Where we will drift into another's grey anatomy

And plant a thought

One that will reach and affect

Or bore

Or be dismissed or missed

Whatever they wish"

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today I experienced a masterpiece in movie making. I watched AVATAR IN 3D. It was imaginative genius with some hardcore messages thrown in. This is one of those movies that will stay with me for a long time. My senses are still trying to process it. I will probably drive my friends and family dilly raving about it so much. It deeply affected me.

The theme of man bulldozing his way through fragile environments that usually support life forms other than himself is one that has been tossed around by Hollywood many a time, but there was something about this experience that accesssed the emotions immediately. It clung to them refusing to let up. I had to remember to breath. My eyes were wide the entire 2hrs and 41 min allowing my 3D spectacles to take advantage and suck in the experience to its fullest. It made me feel so angry and sad and hopeful all at the same time. What have we done? What are we still doing?! To our precious planet that gives us life? To ourselves and fellow beings? All life deserves respect and allowance no matter what shape or form it takes. I am so sick and tired of man declaring himself king and ruler. He sucks at it! This movie dug into those feelings and twisted them around.

I found myself infatuated with the aliens in this movie. I am not a fan of alien movies although the thought of them existing out there does intrigue me. I am also not a fan of warfare and the war scenes made my heart ache with pain, probably because I forgot to breath most of the time! I was inhaling my popcorn too. I wonder what it would be like to dream walk in another's existence especially the one created in this movie. It was simply stunning. In fact words fail. To think that their world was conjured up by a human brain..or was it channelled through a human brain by some higher spiritual power to send us urgent messages? Maybe that brain was abducted by aliens who, like us, stumbled upon ever evolving technologies that they think would assist us to save our world. Let's face it our world seems drab, robotic, and so backward sometimes. In the movie man's labs and his machines were barbaric and cold. The alien world created in this movie oozed colour and freedom and purity and respect.

Humans are emotional idiots when it counts most. Will we ever get the message or will we just go on destroying and discounting every being around us? Sometimes it is painful to share this planet with other morons who are so lost spiritually and emotionally. I guess that's why I enjoy movies so much..I get to escape reality for a few hours and experience another reality. They suck me in. This one certainly did!

Well, for me the messages were loud and clear:
  1. We have lost our connection to all around us and need to find our way back to living respectfully on our planet - this means empbracing what we view as airy fairy and not scientifically validated like telepathy and psychic connection
  2. Greed destroys and devalues other life - we need to simplify and go back to the basics - maybe that is what the recession was trying to teach us
  3. If we don't find solutions for our own world we will just carry on plundering other worlds - man is so good at focussing on others rather than focussing on fixing himself first

Here's to hoping we can shift to a more advanced consciousness in time - one where love and respect and purity rule..I live for that day..If I am not around when that shift happens then I pray that through my thoughts and actions I leave this world a better place than when I arrived..Let's take care of each other......Now ther'es a thought

Friday, January 22, 2010


I created this blog because of a promise that I made to myself at the start of this new year...that promise was to "WRITE IT DOWN!". The word promise seemed better than resolution. Resolutions seem to last as long as the effects of the champagne ramblings that created them in the first place. The next morning you wake up with a foggy head and go about your life hoping that no one remembers what you were rambling about the night before.

A promise seems to me to be more of a challenge than a resolution. And I am not very good at keeping promises made to myself. But I think I have reached a turning point in my life which may urge me to keep this one. I can no longer take the constant chatter in my head creating this reality that I call my life. I was never the type to keep a diary. What if someone found it accidentally or, even worse, on purpose! I have always believed that you should keep your thoughts to yourself in case you offend but I think people that do that eventually go insane!

So here it dumping site for my rambling thoughts and emotions..a safe space where I can express myself without the need to get it right all the time or to justify my beliefs. Being a perfectionist is so exhausting! So I am claiming this blog as my own personal therapy. This is all very new to me and I am not sure how I will take to it. Maybe it will help me to express myself. Maybe not. Let's see how this personal challenge turns out....