If only I had ....taken a chance and been brave about love
Maybe if I knew then what I know now
Then I would have known what I wanted back then
If only...
If only I had paid attention to him...
The one that seemed besotted with me
The one I was not so sure about
Because I was besotted with someone else
The one who gave the most divine hugs in the world
Then maybe I could have stayed in the comfort of those arms forever
If only...
If only I had taken a chance...
And told him how I felt about him
The one who gave the best kisses
The one who made everything else fade away when he danced with me
Then maybe I could have danced with him forever
If only...
If only I had loved with an open heart...
And taken an interest
In the one that took an interest in my life
Not been so emotionally distant
Afraid to get hurt again
No wonder he kept flying away
Maybe we could have flown together
If only...
If only I had been brave...
And stood up for myself
Walked away when I suspected things
With my dignity intact instead of in tatters
Then maybe I could have loved another
Instead of wasting it on him
If only...
If only I had not wasted so much time...
Feeling lonely
If only...
If only I had done these things...
Maybe my life would be different
Maybe I would be a wife
Maybe I would be a mother
Maybe I would be single
Maybe I would be...
Maybe Maybe Maybe
If only...